Online Classes



To join online group classes mail to

  • E685FAAA-B9AF-43D5-8FB6-2F8816F85363
  • PHOTO-2019-12-11-12-16-06
  • Hamstring stretch in group
  • group session
  • Standing Vertical Stretch
  • Prasarita Padottanasana
  • Navasana
  • Virasana Upward stretch
  • Upavishta Konasana
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Dandasana with support
  • Forward stretch
  • Group stretch
  • Navasan Partnering
  • Partnering forward bend
  • Sarvangasana Practice
  • Theraputic class 2
  • Theraputic Class
  • Theraputic Class 1
  • Vrkshasana Partnering

  5 Responses to “Online Classes”

  1. hello
    I am interested in yoga class for my son studying in 9th. Please let me know the timings for the class

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