Ramya Sitaraman, Head-Engineering

Ramya Sitaraman, Head-Engineering
October 23, 2015

I enrolled in Geeta ma’m’s yoga classes in December 2011 and it is over three years and I am still attending her classes with enthusiasm. I am a two time cancer survivor, and when I joined I had the second surgery just few months ago. To be very frank, I was slightly skeptical when I joined. While I may have given up, she did not, and would suggest/coax/guide me to do few key asanas and breathing. She assessed my limitations and patiently made me do simple movements using props. With Geeta ma’am’s, motivation, persuasion and guidance, within few classes I became confident and was inclined to continue. Though I struggled for a year, I found lots of improvements in my health.

It is not easy to express in words what yoga and Geeta ma’am classes have meant to me. Geeta ma’am would carefully change sequences, simplify them if needed, and work closely with me in every session. Now after several years of practice, I have come a long way. I remember, I could not hold my hand above my head for even few seconds, could not sit on the floor for even five minutes and simple breathing was very difficult. Now, after three years I am confidently doing pranayama for nearly 20 minutes, shoulderstand, plough and head stand without difficulty. I am keen to continue yoga, learn more asanas and improve my health and immunity.

Geeta ma’am is a very knowledgeable, dedicated, committed, and involved teacher with many years of teaching experience. She is a terrific teacher and I am really very lucky to find her! Thanks ma’am!



 Posted by at 3:14 PM

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