Dr.Ravindran Opthalmologist, Udhi Eye Hospital, Chennai

Dr.Ravindran Opthalmologist, Udhi Eye Hospital, Chennai
October 23, 2015

I am an ardent student of Geeta Yoga for several years. Geetaji is very knowledgeable, and her classes are very refreshing and energizing. In my case, she was able to relieve my eye and shoulder strain by teaching me postures such as head stand and shoulder stand.  What’s different about Geetaji’s teaching, is that she tailors each pose to accommodate an individual’s physical limitations and builds confidence in one’s physical and mental ability.

In addition, she gave me tips to lead a healthy lifestyle. This included incorporating yogic diet, and simple “at work” exercises to ease stress and work-related injuries.

I am extremely grateful for the knowledge Geetaji has imparted on me. She has truly changed the way I live and conduct my life.

It would be my honour to recommend Geetaji’s program to any institution or organization looking to implement a Yoga program and to individuals who are looking to address and heal their ailments.

 Posted by at 5:14 PM

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